Makeup Theme Week - Black

Fick se på Jennifers sida att hon kör en till Makeup Theme Week.
Har inte riktigt tid att köra hela veckan,
men tyckte Svart temat var intressant och ville pröva!
Här blev resultatet:

/Got to see that Jennifer's side she's doing an Makeup Theme Week.

Did not really have time to run all week,
but thought the black theme was interesting and wanted to try!

Here were the results:


H&M's Eyebrow Pencil 'Dark Brown'

MIYO Eyeshadow 'Zero'



Makeup Store Eyeliner 'Darkest Shadow'

Makeup Store Microshadow 'Smog'

IsaDora Big Bold Mascara 

MIYO Eyeshadow 'Zero'



Makeup Store Eyeliner 'Darkest Shadow'